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11 Signs You Need to Schedule a Dentist Visit

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Schedule a Dentist Visit

Are you wondering whether you need to schedule a dentist visit?

Going to see a local dental care provider on a regular basis is a necessity. Our North York dentists review your oral health history and take a look at the current condition of your teeth and gums. They then offer practical solutions to problems and preventative treatment for issues that might crop up in the future.

Below, we’ll let you know the top 11 signs you need to call your dentist and schedule an appointment. Keep reading to see if it’s time you take advantage of dental services!

1. It’s Been More Than 6 Months

Great oral hygiene care requires more than one trip to the dentist. In fact, most dental experts recommend you see the dentist at least once every 6 months.

So, if you can’t remember the last time you were at the dentist, it’s time to call and schedule an appointment. After you visit the dentist, consider making an appointment for 6 months in the future so that you remember to go again. If a scheduling conflict comes up, you can always call and reschedule.

2. Persistent Tooth Pain

Teeth have nerves under their outer enamel coating. If a tooth becomes decayed or otherwise damaged, these nerves can become exposed.

Usually, this is accompanied by either dull or acute pain. Should you notice a sudden onset of pain in your mouth, contact your dentist as soon as possible. Most dentists allow people to come in on the same day for urgent appointments. If your dentist can’t fit you in, ask for a referral.

3. A Broken Tooth

Even though enamel is one of the hardest substances in your body, it can crack or chip. This might happen after the tooth has been met with blunt force, and it causes pain.

If you have a broken tooth, your dentist can repair it. Yet, the sooner you come in, the better chance you have of the repair being successful. So, reach out to your dentist as soon as you know your tooth has received damage.

4. A Knocked-Out Tooth

Sometimes, teeth don’t break when they’re met with blunt force. Instead, they get knocked out. If this happens to a child whose adult teeth haven’t come in yet, another tooth will eventually grow in. However, if you’re a person who already has your adult teeth, you’ll need to get your tooth replaced.

A dentist does this by giving you a false tooth. These teeth are strong enough to bite and chew. They’re also made to match your real teeth. So, any onlooker won’t even know you have a false tooth!

If you have adult teeth and one of them is extremely loose, you should contact your dentist. The dentist will be able to fix the problem before it becomes a large issue.

5. You Feel a Tingling Sensation

When you feel a tingling sensation while eating sweet food or brushing your teeth, you’ll want to schedule a dentist visit. Tingling is a sign of tooth decay, and it happens before the onset of intense pain.

Your dentist can fix this by giving you a filling.

6. Your Breath Smells

Tooth decay can cause the growth of oral bacteria. This bacteria tastes bad and smells foul.

The bad taste and smell won’t go away when you use toothpaste or mouthwash. So, if the smell and taste are persistent, it’s time to call the dentist.

7. Your Teeth Are Discolored

Tooth discoloration happens for several reasons. When we eat highly-pigmented foods, for instance, they can leave deposits on our teeth. Some common culprits include coffee, red wine, and fruit juices. Balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, tomato sauce, and curry can also cause tooth discoloration.

But sometimes, discolored teeth indicate deeper issues. Your dentist will have the ability to assess the condition of your teeth and tell you whether you have stains or something else.

If you have yellow around your gums, you might have plaque and could benefit from dental care.

8. You Have Consistent Headaches

Many people assume headaches come about from tension in the neck or head. But headaches can also arise when you have tooth pain.

This is due to the fact that tooth pain can trigger the trigeminal nerve, which gives you a migraine. Once your dentist fixes the tooth pain, your migraines should go away.

9. You Have Jaw Pain

Dentists don’t just deal with your teeth; they also take care of your jaw.

Pain in your jaw comes about when you have a toothache. It can also happen, though, if you have pain in your TMJ. This acronym stands for temporomandibular joint. You have 1 of them on either side of the jaw, where it meets your cheekbones. Your TMJ allows your jaw to open and close.

However, these joints can get painful and make the muscles around them hurt. When this happens, you might experience difficulty opening your jaw or chewing. It might also result in headaches and jaw pain.

10. Your Gums Are Bleeding

If your gums are bleeding, you might have a form of gum disease that requires a dentist’s care.

Diseased gums bleed when you floss or brush your teeth. Your gums may also feel swollen or tender. Sometimes, diseased gums emit pus between your teeth, and you may experience a foul taste or smell.

11. You Want to Know About Cosmetic Dentistry

If you’re thinking about reworking the appearance of your teeth, you’re going to want to schedule a dentist visit.

Cosmetic dentistry consists of a variety of procedures, including fixing crooked teeth or getting dental implants. During your initial consultation, you’ll have the chance to ask your dentist any questions you may have and get honest feedback. You can also get referrals to a specialist, if necessary.

Schedule Your Dentist Visit

If you want to schedule a dentist visit, you need to first search for a “North York dentist near me“.

That’s where we come in. If you want a great dental clinic North York offers, our dentists are ready to assess your condition and provide the help you need.

Contact us today to request an appointment or ask your questions!